2012 Holiday Charity Donation Program

At Hamilton Window Washing we believe in giving back to our community – Especially during the holiday season. We believe that charitable organizations are at the heart of our community and provide essential services to many that are in need.

Personally, I am passionate about kids, youth and their development outside the classroom. Before Hamilton Window Washing I spent over a decade working for organizations such as Outward Bound, the YMCA and the National Outdoor Leadership School. All of which help to educate and help young people develop their full potential.

At Hamilton Window Washing we believe that we are in the business of helping home owners, not just offering them services. By operating in Hamilton we believe that we are also in the business of helping our community. The organizations that we have selected this year are essential to Hamilton’s young people and helping them develop into the best they can be.

We have set fundraising goal of $1,500 for this holiday season but we can’t get there without your help! You don’t need to do anything special simply take advantage of a late season window washing, have us clean out your dirty gutters or let us install your Christmas lights and we’ll make sure that 20% goes back to the kids.

Thank you for choosing Hamilton Window Washing and have a wonderful holiday season.

Ken Richardson

Business Manager

Hamilton Window Washing


20% To Children’s Charities

How It Works:

When you purchase any regular priced service from Hamilton Window Washing From Nov 1st-Dec 31st 2012 we will automatically donate 20% of the service bill to this years chosen organizations.

This Years Organizations

We have chosen 2 children’s charities to donate to this year with our 2012 donation campaign. Read their mission statements below.

Big Brothers – Big Sisters

We believe every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potential, both as individuals and citizens – that by doing so, they will not only do well, they will also do good.

We believe that by changing the course of young lives we can in turn be changing the course of a community’s future. That it could lead to a reduction in poverty and unemployment. Or to safer schools and neighbourhoods. Or to a renewed optimism for growth. That it could even lead to change on a broader, more far-reaching scale.

We believe that opening a child’s eyes to what is – opens their mind to what could be.

The Boys & Girls Club

The boys & Girls Club’s Mission is to provide a safe and supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life.